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valve overlap中文是什么意思

用"valve overlap"造句"valve overlap"怎么读"valve overlap" in a sentence


  • 气阀重叠
  • 气门叠开角
  • 气门重叠角


  • During the performances of the syt - i servo valve overlap hydraulic measuring platform , the pressure difference between the exit and the entrance keeps changing , which causes comparatively great principle error in the measurement and affects the accuracy of the measuring system
    在syt - i型伺服阀叠合量液动测量台进行伺服阀叠合量的测量过程中,阀入出口压力差变化给叠合量的测量带入较大原理性误差,影响了测量系统的精度。
  • Due to this , it is important to improve the hydraulic power system and enable it to control the pressure change at the measuring points of the servo valve , thus to develop the syt - ii servo valve overlap hydraulic measuring platform and improve the processing quality of servo valve
    因而对其油源系统加以改进,使其能控制伺服阀测量口处压力变化,进而开发出高精度的恒压油源,研制出syt - ii型伺服阀叠合量液动测量台,提高伺服阀的加工制造水平。
用"valve overlap"造句  
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